New release: Gregory Uhlmann’s Small Day is out today

“Small Day is a miraculous collection of miniatures, a jewelry box filled with pleasing little mechanismas of diversion.” Kevin Hyde, Molars

Gregory Uhlmann’s Small Day
is out today on Colorfield Records. With special guest Chris Speed and album art by Christina Huang.

via @gregoryuhlmann:

Small Day is a collection of experiments in using the studio as an instrument. Each piece started as an improvisation and was collaged into a piece as it was stretched and cut into parts and layered upon.

I made this album with Pete Min at his studio at a time where I was searching for new palettes, sounds, and ways of composing. Getting to tinker with instruments and hardware I’d never touched resulted in a kind of exploration that got me away from the familiarity of the guitar which I play in many bands and for my own projects. I think the result is an album that snakes around in a playful way and holds
little surprises at every turn.”

-Gregory Uhlmann


1. Phosphene / 2. Mint Chip / 3. Apple Head / 4. Sea Anemone / 5. Axles / 6. Odds and Ends / 7. Dunes / 8. Levers


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